Friday, 30 December 2011

ITAP Lecture 4: Research and inspiration (Principle 1: Research)

Researching is an important process for any artists, looking at all my other post, especially the one about inspiration we should be aware that through research we are able to collect and find many great and inspiring pieces of art work. I  personally try to research things constantly, I can learn different techniques photographers use, especially if I come across someone’s blog when they talk about their own experiences. This is a good problem solver for anyone.
In the process of making my magazine I had to research many information which would possibly interest my targeted audience. I found out that books and magazines as well as internet are not the only source of research. I actually went out and spoke to some people, which provided me with “first hand” information. Investigating others people’s work and the subject gives us wider knowledge about it. There are some examples of my work showing how I contribute to my research.

I have researched some information about Birmingham at the very start of the project, so I would have an overall idea about Birmingham and what possible themes for a magazine I could use. I found out few things about history of a city, population, area, education and many more. Walking around and exploring the city as also as much helpful.

Other way I do research is, regarding photography, is that I collect other photographers and artists’ work and try to explore it and influence my work with similar techniques or ideas. This came across really helpful especially when I was stuck during creation of my work.

Here you can see two pages from my journal showing that.

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