Thursday, 29 March 2012

Moving Image 3 - The Work of Director Chris Cunningham

1. How did Bjork and Chris collaborate on the All is full of love video?

Bjork and Cunningham had mutual friends in London and after the Apher Twin video a lot of people suggested that Bjork should contact Chris Cunningham. Bjork wanted it all to be a short video, she described that she wanted it to be a white frozen “erotic” heaven that melts with love. Cunningham liked engineering and robotics so he came up with the idea. The video was done after the album as a different project.

2. What techniques were used on the portishead video to create the unusual slow motion effects?

The people in the video were shot in the tank of water and then digitally inserted in the location, which was the alleyway of a street.

3. What other music video directors have gone on to direct feature films? Name two and the feature films they have made.

Spike Jonze (Adam Spiegel) – he collaborated on music videos with Weezer, Beastie Boys and Bjork. He moved onto feature films and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director for his “Being John Malkovich” 2002 film.

David Andrew Leo Fincher – Won a Golden Globe for his 2010 film “The Social Network” and also received nomination for Academy Award for Best Director for his 2008 film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. As music video director he worked with multiple artists like Madonna, Billy Idol, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, George Michael and Michael Jackson and many more.

4. Which famous sci - fi film did Chris Cunningham’s work on before he became a director?

He worked on the Steven Spielberg’s movie A.I (Artificial Intelligence), then he decided to go into film director career.

5. What makes his work different or original compared to other similar directors?

Cunningham work has more sexual ambiguity, much darker, more violent and more inclusive of technology. His work has general sense of strangeness or creepiness. 

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